Friday 28 March 2008

The New England Journal of Medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine is now available online from the library. The full-text of articles can be accessed from 1993 to the present day.

To access online, simply navigate to the A-Z of Electronic Journals from the library website and search for “New England Journal of Medicine”. To access off campus make sure you log into your connect account, select the My Library tab and click on E-Journals. This brings you to A-Z of Electronic Journals.

Thursday 13 March 2008


World Tuberculosis day, held each year on 24 March, is an occasion for people around the world to raise awareness about the international health threat presented by tuberculosis (TB).

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection caused by a germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body.
(source: MedlinePlus)

This year’s World TB Day slogan, “I am stopping TB”, communicates the importance of celebrating the lives of people affected by TB and strengthens the global fight against it.
International TB Day serves us a reminder that the effects of this disease are felt in every country.

For more information, please visit The Stop TB Partnership Website:

Monday 3 March 2008


Check out the latest nursing resource:

Counselling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives and Reference Works

This database provides primary sources for therapists, clients and students on forty different topical subject areas in psychology. It has three major sections; psychotherapy transcripts, primary accounts and handbook reference works.

You can access the resource via the general list of databases on the library web page or via the databases in the Nursing and Midwifery subject portal. Login and password are required for off-campus access and can be obtained via Connect under My Library tab, in the Remote access logins channnel.